Course Lecturer/Coordinator

Polytechnique Montréal - Montréal, Canada
LOG8371E - Software Quality Engineering - Fall 2024 INF6900AE/INF7900A - Scientific and Technical Communication - Winter 2024, Fall 2024

McGill University - Montréal, Canada
Winter Term - 2015, 2017, 2018
COMP 202 - Foundations of Programming

Guest Lecturer

Polytechnique Montréal - Montréal, Canada
LOG6953DE - Model-Driven Software Engineering - Nov. 2022, Nov. 2023 Lecture topics: Model-driven engineering, usage and verification of model transformations

Teaching Assistant

University of Antwerp - Antwerp, Belgium
2001WETMTR - Model-Driven Engineering - Fall 2020
2001WETMSI - Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems - Fall 2019

McGill University - Montréal, Canada
From 2012 to 2014
COMP 202 - Foundations of Programming - Two terms
COMP 250 - Introduction to Computer Science - Two terms
COMP 251 - Data Structures and Algorithms - Three terms